Ride Farming bzw. Power Riding

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Registriert: 01.05.2020

Beitrag Ride Farming bzw. Power Riding »

Ich habe zu diesem Thema noch nichts im Forum hier gefunden, also mache ich mal einen Thread dazu. Ich bin bekennender Ride-Junkie und Dauerfahrer, der aus jedem Parkbesuch (ob nun EP oder anderswo) das Maximum an Fahrten herausholt. Auf einen neuen Park kann ich mich schon mal einige Stunden vorbereiten und natürlich beginnt bei mir jeder Parkaufenthalt mit der Auswahl des geeigneten Termins, an dem mir hoffentlich nicht zu viele andere Besucher in die Quere kommen.

Mit dem EP habe ich gerade zu diesem Thema immer beste Erfahrungen gemacht - unter 30 Fahrten geht ja eigentlich gar nicht, selbst wenn ich mir noch ein oder zwei Shows an dem Tag ansehen möchte, bei 40 werde ich so langsam warm und richtig los geht es jenseits der 50. Bisher ist mir zwei Mal die Komplettrunde geglückt (alle Fahrgeschäfte, die ich als Erwachsener fahren kann inklusive voller Runden auf Panoramabahn, EP Express und Monorail natürlich) und ich bin auch großer Fan des gepflegten Sitzenbleibens, gerade bei Wodan und Blue Fire.

Ich führe auch über alle meine Parkbesuche Protokoll, was ich wie oft gefahren bin (ja, ich bin autistisch) und welchen Shows ich gesehen habe, etc. und kann mich an neuen persönlichen Rekordleistungen immer auch erfreuen.

Da ich nicht glaube, dass ich der einzige Power Rider bin (wenn auch vielleicht extrem), will ich hier auch mal eine Diskussion darüber anstoßen. Mögt ihr solche Powertage? Habt ihr bestimmte Strategien (ohne die letzten Geheimnisse zu verraten natürlich), um eure Parkbesuche zu maximieren?

Meine generelle Strategie ist, Punkt 8:30 da zu sein, dann erst mal Voletarium zu fahren (ist ja effektiv gratis) und dann den berühmten Silver Star Sprint mitzumachen. Viele Tipps raten davon ab, aber ich mag den, man muss halt nur gewinnen 🙂 Dann die beiden Schweizer Achterbahnen, Can Can via Single, Pegasus, Poseidon und Euro-Mir. Wenn bis dahin alles halbwegs glatt geht, ist es noch nicht mal 10:00 und ich habe 8 Fahrten (inkl. Voletarium) und nirgends mehr als 3-4 Minuten gewartet. Danach wird es dann variabler. Die App nutze ich gar nicht, wenn ich mal schnell auf die Wartezeiten schauen muss, tun es die Tafeln im Park.

Im November 2017 ist mir dann mal der absolute Volltreffer gelungen. Den Report dazu mit Play by Play-Kommentar gibts separat im nächsten Post, falls ein Moderator das lieber unter Berichte setzen würde.

Beiträge: 1024
Registriert: 01.05.2020

Beitrag Re: Ride Farming bzw. Power Riding »

Wie versprochen, jetzt noch mein Bericht aus 2017. Den Report habe ich damals für ein englischsprachiges Forum, das sich an Powerfahrer richtet, geschrieben. Ich poste das jetzt einfach mal im Original statt es zu übersetzen - ich kann eh meiner Meinung nach in Englisch besser formulieren als in Deutsch.

For any of us who know their way through the parks, it's almost unbelievable that the average number of rides taken in a day by a Disneyland visitor is nine - how many poor sods wind up with zero just to compensate for one of your average days? Of course, at the other end of the scale, Disney is hardly the best place for a ride record (although I managed a 56 at the Magic Kingdom on an 18-hour day with the extra ride time). No, for real records, you want a European park, on a winter day, preferably one with a large selection of high capacity rides. I may be biased, but my park of choice for catching some good ride numbers is Europa Park. Even on a mediocre day (no, I'm not going in July...) I rarely wind up with fewer than 40 and a good day in April or October can see 50 or more. But there's a badly kept secret and it's called "Winter Magic" - the days from the last week of November to the first week of January where you can't catch any of the water rides, but you can ride the coasters to your heart's content (and starting with the 2017/18 season, Silver Star was added to the lineup if the weather is good enough, meaning 5°C and no excessive winds). So yeah, let's grab my pass and head to Rust for a week of ride farming. My best at the park prior to 2017 matched Disney's 56, but I was sure I could do better.

Monday started out with average weather and low crowds, I just wandered here and there and snatched up rides, often able to stay on for a second round (or third or fourth...). Given my experience from November 2016, I saved the best for last and wasn't disappointed - the last hour yielded fifteen rounds of Wodan, with the last thirteen of them consecutive rides - I had to change rows, but never missed a round, in spite of only one train being active. The day ended on a personal best of 68 rides plus a few walkthrough attractions, an improvement of almost 20%. With that under the belt, I took Tuesday and Wednesday to catch some shows and film a few on-rides I didn't have yet, "only" averaging in the low 50s for both days, but I caught quite a few "stay on" rounds on the coasters, including a four-time round in Silver Star's last row on Tuesday.

Thursday started out less than promisingly - the weather was quite horrible where I stayed, around freezing and raining quite heavily. But when I got to Lahr, it went to a drizzle and just at the Rust exit of A5, it went dry. Annual pass weather, as they call it - no one without a pass would consider a trip. Having set out really early to have enough time for traffic jams or snow on the roads, I was at the park at exactly 10am, just early enough to catch a few rounds of the Voletarium which opens with the turnstiles, ahead of the rest of the park. For those who don't know it Voletarium is a flying simulator like Soaring, and it's a ride you can't really ride consecutively - the people at the actual ride don't know how many visitors are coming for the next batch, so they can't let you stay on. But on my third round, I mentioned to the front turnstile operator that I had succeeded catching doubles or better on about everything in the park during the week, missing not much but the Voletarium for full set. Well, I got off and he awaited me at the exit of the lower level to wave me back in. Thanks for getting a really difficult one checked off for me!

When I got off the fourth round, it was 10:58 and the panorama train was waiting to depart as soon as the rope would drop. I was in the mood for a few morning Arthur rounds, so I got on (can't be really slower than the walkers, right?), disembarked at Paddington (yes, it's no longer Victoria) and passed a few fast walkers on the way to Arthur. I couldn't stay on right away, so I went over to ride Poppy Towers twice and Mül-Mül's Carousel twice as well. Then it was back to Arthur for a four-round "stay on" spree including one round with a few staff members who seemed quite impressed at my little 68 from Monday. (Yeah, right, guys, guess what I am coming for in a grey, damp week. It's rides and preferably lots of them...). Wish I could have met them again Friday, but I'm getting ahead of myself.

Having had enough of Arthur for the time being, I headed to Austria to take a double on the wave swing, then a double on Enzian. Heading on to Spain, I missed the start of Columbus by a second, so I took two rounds of Feria Swing first (with the usually talkative, pleasant operator getting the honor of running the ride just for me - he wouldn't be the only one that day) and then the timing on Columbus matched for two rounds as well. If you kept count, that put me at 22 - and it was barely noon. That 68 suddenly didn't seem that unbeatable any more...

Portugal has only the Bellevue observation wheel in winter, but I took a quick round on my way to Iceland where I planned on some serious Blue Fire chaining. The first attempt at the latter failed - there was a group waiting after my first walk-on run, so I had to get off and rode Whale Adventures and Wodan once before coming back. The second try at Blue Fire went better - ten rides in a row got me to a dizzy and well-deserved 36. I took the Monorail to Luxembourg, rode the Flying Dutchman twice, then Batavia once (you can't stay on that one regardless of what you try), then two rounds of the Koffie Kopjes. On to Russia I went for a few (four, to be exact) rounds of Euro-Mir and one on the Snowflake sleigh ride (Come on. This ride has such good music, there's no need to replace it with those generic songs in winter).

Almost at fifty now I wanted to next take a look at Ikarus, but I saw it just start up, so instead I just turned right into the Football Scooter for only two games. Everyone left after that, so it wouldn't have been fun to stay. I got off and caught some games on Atlantis Adventure. The third yielded a decent score (which is anything above 140,000 for me), so off I went to ride Kassandra once (alone again, is that a trend?) and Ikarus. 54.

I didn't particularly fancy Pegasus, so I passed that one and went for a spin on the Glacier planes, a triple round of Matterhorn Blitz and two rounds of the bobsleds (I would have made it three or four, but some other people actually wanted to ride. Sacrilege!). With EuroSat and Universe of Energy closed and it still way before 4 pm (so no Euro Tower night ride in sight), I bypassed France and headed straight to Italy for a spin on Piccolo Mondo, a double helping of the Ghost Castle and a round on Volo Da Vinci.

You may have noticed I didn't mention lunch yet - but at that point my stomach did (it was almost 4 pm!), so I headed to the Christmas market on the German street, not without quickly taking in the Elf Ride and the Vintage Cars on the way. I grabbed a crèpe and consumed it on the way to Ireland where my next stop was two rounds of Dancing Dinghy. At this point, I could probably have picked something more deserving than Baa-a-a Express for the record-breaking 69th run, but I wanted a dusk onride, so I did that before heading to England - almost forgetting to ride Spinning Dragons. That error was quickly fixed (and the operator seemed happy to actually see one customer - it was probably the busiest hour of the day for her).

That done twice, I headed to England for two spins on Crazy Taxi, one on the Carousel and one on the Silverstone Track. 75 and I was back where I started - time for a bit more Arthur. One round of Poppy Tower (it wasn't yet dark enough for a good night on-ride video of the coaster) and four rounds on the coaster looking for that perfect shot brought the count to 80.

It was now almost 17:30, so I had a bit more than one and a half hours left - too early to start Wodan farming. So I took two more spins on Euro-Mir, then jumped on the Monorail back to Iceland and rode Blue Fire twice more to arrive at the great Gates of Adventure with 85 rides down and 65 minutes to go. Could it happen? I did 15 rounds in just over an hour Monday, right, but that was as close to perfect as they come, missing just one round.

The first seven rounds were easy - none of them saw more than half the gates occupied when the train came into the station - but the eighth round had a big group waiting. But thanks to the perks of being single, I spotted the one row that had only one person waiting and got my 8th round without delay. The 9th was also a close call, with only one row open, and after that it was clear sailing, the rounds falling one after the other. The fifteenth came and went, in the last row, and I managed to run up to second (unfortunately not first) row for a victory lap before the clock struck 19:00 and the park closed.


One hundred and one rides in nine hours.

I don't think I'll beat that one. Ever. It was a perfect storm, with a combined wait time of zero (or, if you count the fact that I could stay on more often than not, negative) throughout the entire day.

Friday turned out to be the busiest day of the week with some rides' waits approaching an inhuman fifteen minutes. I overheard quite a few visitors discussing how incredibly empty the park was. Little did they know - but then who am I to teach them. I left them believing they had pulled the jackpot and went my merry ways, filling in a bunch of on-ride videos I needed to retake and seeing some of the shows including the much-disputed elephant act in the circus on its penultimate day, and yes, it deserved to go. I don't doubt the animals were kept well outside the ring, but that "big top" was way too small for three elephants and if anything had happened to frighten the animals, it would have been disastrous. Stick with well domesticated animals that fit the space, Europa-Park. Dogs, llamas and horses, those are all fine and well suited to the location and the 2016 show has demonstrated the great things one can do with them.

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Registriert: 15.10.2010

Beitrag Re: Ride Farming bzw. Power Riding »

Ich bin nun schon eine Weile in der Fanszene unterwegs, aber "Ride Farming" oder "Power Riding" habe ich noch nie gehört - und dass es dafür Fachforen gibt ist mir auch neu.
Während Coaster counten in meinem Umfeld sehr weit verbreitet ist kenne ich wohl keinen der so auf Anzahl an Fahrten optimiert.

Wenn ich Parks zum ersten Mal besuche schaue ich schon, dass die Reise in andrangsarmen Zeiten liegt so möglich, und dass wir im Park alle für uns wichtigen Attraktionen schaffen, üblicherweise angefangen mit den Achterbahnen. Wenn sich nach einer Weile aber zeigt, dass wir gut in der Zeit liegen schieben wir auch spontan kleinere Attraktionen oder Shows ein. Das kann mal nach hinten losgehen, wenn eine Achterbahn nachmittags in Störung geht, aber mich nimmt das meist nicht so sehr mit, dafür hätten wir vielleicht ein anderes Erlebnis verpasst. Wenn dann alles soweit gefahren ist geht es meist auf Rerides auf den Favoriten.
Anders bei einem Wiederholungsbesuch in gut bekannten Parks, da lasse ich es inzwischen sehr entspannt angehen und lasse mich gern treiben (solang keine Erstbesucher dabei sind).

Beiträge: 655
Registriert: 20.03.2013

Beitrag Re: Ride Farming bzw. Power Riding »

Höre die Begriffe auch zum ersten Mal. Aber wenn du solche Ziele verfolgst kann ich dir die ExtraRideTime im Phantasialand empfehlen die man als Hotelgast bekommt. Konnten 22 Mal Taron am Stück fahren, ohne Unterbrechung.

Beiträge: 1024
Registriert: 01.05.2020

Beitrag Re: Ride Farming bzw. Power Riding »

Ich bin jetzt nicht sicher, wie bekannt die Begriffe sind - das war halt das, was in der Gruppe (inzwischen zerfallen) verwendet wurde. Die Taron ERT kenne ich übrigens gut, habe ich zwei Mal mit der PL-Jahreskarte nutzen können. Kam allerdings beide Male nur auf je 21, du hast mir da also einen voraus 🙂

Beiträge: 83
Registriert: 01.05.2020
Name: Joy

Beitrag Re: Ride Farming bzw. Power Riding »

Ich war mal um 8:30 Uhr da, bin dann um 9 als einer der ersten im Can Can Coaster gewesen, da dieser immer voll ist bin ich sofort dort hin. Habe mich mega gefreut das ich so weit laufen konnte. Dann stand ich direkt vor der Station und dann war ein Technisches Problem. Mussten dann ca. 15 Minuten warten und konnten dan Fahren jedoch sind wir bei jeder Bremse stehengeblieben und bei der letzten hat dan die Musik aufgehört und die Auslöser kammen zu früh. Die Fahrt war für mich als Clubkarten Besitzer wirklich witzig, aber für erst Besucher wohl nicht so.

Also ich bereite mich auch immer vor. Jedoch klappt das nicht immer 🥺😂 Habe aber schon einen Plan denn ich ausführe wenn wieder alles normal ist!
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